
Does Goodwill Take Camping Gear

Gently used camping gear including tents, sleeping bags, backpacks, and cooking utensils neatly arranged on a rustic wooden table.

Do you have camping gear gathering dust in your garage like a forgotten adventure? Wondering if Goodwill will take it off your hands? Well, you’re in luck!

Goodwill is like a treasure trove for all your unwanted items, including camping gear. From tents to sleeping bags, they accept a wide range of outdoor equipment. But before you rush to donate, there are a few things you should know.

In this guide, we’ll explore what camping gear Goodwill accepts, how to prepare it for donation, and even alternative donation options. So, grab your gear and let’s embark on a journey of goodwill and giving!

Key Takeaways

  • Goodwill accepts tents, sleeping bags, backpacks, camping cookware, and outdoor furniture.
  • It is important to prepare camping gear for donation by ensuring they are clean and dry.
  • Besides Goodwill, one can consider donating camping gear to local homeless shelters, organizations supporting outdoor activities for underserved communities, outdoor education programs, and youth camps.
  • Donating camping gear may make one eligible for a tax deduction, and it is important to keep a detailed record of donated items and consult IRS guidelines or tax professionals for specific rules and limitations.

What Camping Gear Does Goodwill Accept

Goodwill accepts camping gear such as tents, sleeping bags, and backpacks for your outdoor adventures. If you have old or unused camping gear lying around, consider donating it to Goodwill.

Not only will you be decluttering your space, but you’ll also be helping someone else enjoy their outdoor activities. Goodwill has various camping gear donation centers where you can drop off your items. They also organize camping gear donation drives, where you can donate your gear along with others who share the same passion for outdoor adventures.

How to Prepare Your Camping Gear for Donation

To properly prepare your camping gear for donation, gather all the necessary items and clean them thoroughly. Here are some best practices for organizing and cleaning your camping gear before donation:

  • Tents: Make sure the tent is completely dry before packing it. Clean the tent by wiping down the interior and exterior with a mild soap solution, and rinse it thoroughly. Let it air dry before folding it neatly.

  • Sleeping bags: Check the care instructions for your sleeping bag and follow them accordingly. Most sleeping bags can be machine washed on a gentle cycle. Air dry the sleeping bag, and fluff it up so it regains its loft.

  • Cooking equipment: Wash all cooking utensils, pots, and pans with warm soapy water. Scrub off any food residue and make sure everything is dry before packing.

  • Outdoor furniture: Clean outdoor chairs and tables with a mixture of mild soap and water. Remove any stains or mildew and let them dry completely.

  • Hiking gear: Clean hiking boots with a brush and mild detergent. Remove any dirt or mud from the treads. Wipe down hiking poles and backpacks with a damp cloth.

Where to Donate Camping Gear Besides Goodwill

Consider other options for donating your camping gear besides Goodwill. While Goodwill is a popular choice for donations, there are alternative options that can benefit both you and those in need of camping gear.

One option is to donate your camping gear to local homeless shelters or organizations that support outdoor activities for underserved communities. These organizations often rely on donations to provide necessary equipment for their programs. By donating your gear, you can help individuals experiencing homelessness have access to essential items for survival and recreation.

Additionally, you can reach out to outdoor education programs or youth camps that may be in need of camping gear. Donating to these organizations can help provide opportunities for young people to learn and appreciate the outdoors.

Consider exploring these alternative donation options to make a positive impact on others’ lives.

Can You Get a Tax Deduction for Donating Camping Gear

If you donate camping gear, you may be eligible for a tax deduction. Donating your camping gear can’t only help someone in need but also benefit you financially. Here are some important points to consider regarding tax deductions for donating camping gear:

  • Keep a detailed record of the items you donate, including their value and condition.
  • Make sure you donate to a qualified charitable organization that’s eligible to issue tax receipts.
  • Determine the fair market value of the donated camping gear. This can usually be determined by researching similar items online or consulting a professional appraiser.
  • Consult the IRS guidelines or a tax professional to understand the specific rules and limitations for claiming tax deductions on donated items.
  • Remember to obtain a receipt or acknowledgment from the charitable organization for your donation, as it will be necessary when filing your taxes.

Tips for Finding Affordable Camping Gear at Goodwill

Looking for budget-friendly camping gear? Head to Goodwill for affordable options. Not only can you find a wide range of camping gear at Goodwill, but you can also save even more money by repairing and repurposing old gear.

Here are some tips for finding affordable camping gear at Goodwill and making the most of your purchases.

First, take the time to inspect the gear before buying. Look for any tears, missing parts, or signs of wear and tear. Many times, these issues can be easily fixed at home with a few simple repairs. You can stitch up small tears, replace missing buttons or zippers, and even patch up holes in tents or sleeping bags.

Another way to save money is by repurposing old camping gear. For example, an old sleeping bag can be turned into a cozy dog bed or a picnic blanket. A broken camping chair can be transformed into a plant stand or a storage rack.

By following these tips, you can find affordable camping gear at Goodwill and make the most of your purchases by repairing and repurposing old gear.

Happy camping!


So there you have it, folks. Goodwill mightn’t be the best place to donate your used camping gear. But hey, at least you can find some affordable gear there!

Just don’t expect them to take it back when you’re done. It’s a camping gear revolving door, apparently.

Happy camping!

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